Experimental Study on Two Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs with or without Openings Strengthened with Composite Strips. A: Experimental Setup
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 2 | 2012
Pages: 87-96
Abstract text:
This paper presents the investigation on the feasibility of strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) slabs in flexure, with or without openings, using carbon fibres reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips bonded on the tensioned side of the slab. There are investigated two series of slabs. The first series represents four slabs without openings and the second series represents four slabs with a central openings. Each series has a control slab which is not strengthened with CFRP strips. The test setup and instrumentation of the RC slabs allow determining the overall stiffness and flexural capacity of the strengthened specimens in comparison with the control specimens.
Key Words:
reinforced concrete slab; strengthening; composites; experiment
Author(s) Information
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