Night Radiation Effect on Energy Performance of Ventilated Façades
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 2 | 2012
Pages: 77-86
Abstract text:
Ventilated façades systems are more and more used for thermal rehabilitation of existing buildings. Their energy performance depends on many parameters, whose influence can be quantified by numerical and analytical models. When designing ventilated façades, the cooling effect of the night sky cannot be neglected because of increased thermal losses through the exterior walls. In the current paper, the influence of wind velocity, ground and outer cladding emissivity is analysed numerically for an insulated brick wall with an exterior wood cladding. Heat gains and losses are compared to a reference value and some results are shown. The computation was based on the steady-state approach of the physical phenomena during the warm season.
Key Words:
ventilated façades; numerical model; radiation; energy performance
Author(s) Information
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