Longitudinal Stiffness Characteristics of Unidirectional Fibre Reinforced Polymeric Composites Subjected to Tension
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 2 | 2012
Pages: 49-62
Abstract text:
Unidirectional fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite elements are utilized nowadays as reinforcing bars for concrete members or for externally bonded laminates applied on the tension side of reinforced concrete beams in the so called plate bonding strengthening technique. Since these composite products are subjected to tension in both cases it is important to know the longitudinal tensile modulus of elasticity, in the fibres direction. The properties of a FRP composite depend on the properties of its constituents and on their distribution characterized by constituents volume fractions. To avoid time consuming and expensive experimental procedures analytical models have been proposed to determine the effective longitudinal modulus of the composites in terms of constituent material properties. The main models utilized in micromechanics of fibrous composites are analysed and exemplified in the paper on FRPs made of thermosetting polymers and various reinforcing fibres made of glass and basalt. It has been found that the rule of mixture constitutes a rapid and precise tool for the analytical determination of the longitudinal modulus. Other more sophisticated models and the experimental results obtained by the authors of this paper confirm the appropriatness of the rule of mixtures for the analytical evaluation of the tensile longitudinal modulus.
Key Words:
stiffness; longitudinal modulus; analytical models; composite constituents
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