Legal Regime of Lands and their Legal Circulation
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 1 | 2012
Pages: 169-178
Abstract text:
The object of this work consists in the analysis of the legal regime of lands as well as their circulation, in terms of the normative acts in force. Other problems subjected to investigations have as target to highlight the new legal dispositions regarding the concession, regulated by O.U.G. 54/2006, concerning the regime of contracts of concession of public property goods, as well as the expropriation for public utility cause, an operation necessary for the realization of objectives of national, county or local interest, regulated by the Law no. 255/2010. As regards the expropriation, this work points out the buildings that can be the object of this, the stages in carrying out the procedure, as well as the effects resulting from the expropriation institution. The invoked normative acts contribute to the application of the legal framework that governs at present the legal circulation of lands.
Key Words:
land; concession; law; expropriation; contract.
Author(s) Information
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