Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slit Walls With ANSYS (II)
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 1 | 2012
Pages: 99-112
Abstract text:
An economical design of buildings based on performance takes into account the dissipation of seismic energy accumulated in the structure. In a tall structural wall, plastic hinge formation happens only at the base of the wall and ductility resources of the rest of the wall remains untapped. A solution to increase the performance of a reinforced concrete structural wall is to create a slit zone with shear connections. Yielding of this shear connections may cause increase in energy dissipation. The aim of these solutions is to create an ideal structure for tall multi-storey buildings, that has a rigid behavior at low seismic action (the shear connections behave elastic) and turns into a ductile one in case of a high intensity earthquake action (the shear connections are crushed). In the first part of this study the pushover analyses for slit walls were not very concluding because when the shear connections fail the convergence stops, this being caused by strength degradation and a large displacement of the wall. To capture the strength degradation it was decided to do a cyclic analysis. For the nonlinear analysis it was used a finite element program, ANSYS.
Key Words:
reinforced concrete slit walls; pushover analysis; nonlinear cyclic analysis; energy dissipation.
Author(s) Information
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