Analysis of Wood Bending Properties on Standardized Samples and Structural Size Beams Tests
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 1 | 2012
Pages: 65-76
Abstract text:
Wood has several unique, independent mechanical properties. Physical and mechanical properties of wood have a large number of values determined by the influences of an extended number of factors. These timber properties do vary from species to species and even within species due to environmental conditions during growth. However, because of its cellular structure and the way in which these cells are organized the strength of the wood product depends mainly on the direction of any loading. This paper presents an analysis of the results obtained by testing standardized specimens and structural size beams, according to standards requirements in force for simple bending. Small samples were tested for three-point bending and real scale beams were tested for four-point bending. Conclusions are based on the obtained results.
Key Words:
wood elements; bending; laboratory test.
Author(s) Information
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