The Use of Cement Stabilized Rammed Earth for Building a Vernacular Modern House
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 1 | 2012
Pages: 37-48
Abstract text:
Earth and wood are the most common materials in Romania’s traditional vernacular buildings. Nowadays, the quality of materials and the building techniques are improved in order to comply with today’s standards of comfort and resistance. This paper presents a study concerning the determination of the layer composition of the exterior wall for a modern house that uses local earth as main material for building. The wall is tested for compressive strength and degree of insulation. Four earth recipes are established, combining different percentages of soil, sand and cement. The resulting mixture is compacted in 10 cm³ metal moulds and extracted the next day. After 28 days, the samples are tested for compressive strength. The results are compared with the existing legal international standards. Then, the layers of the exterior wall are determined in order to provide a proper thermal insulation that fits the Romanian insulation standards. The aim is to obtain a valid proposal for an insulated, resistant, ecological, economical rammed earth exterior wall.
Key Words:
rammed earth; compressive strength; cement stabilization; thermal insulation.
Author(s) Information
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