Applying the Concept of Total Building Performance to Assess the Quality of Buildings
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 4 | 2011
Pages: 155-164
Abstract text:
Total Building Performance (TBP) addresses a set of coordinated strategies aimed at assessing the quality of a building, in terms of the extent to which all the requirements of performance are satisfied, namely: spatiality, structural integrity, fire resistance, safety in operation, energy performance, air quality, thermal comfort, acoustical and visual comfort. It examines and develops processes contributing to the delivery of integrated and high performance buildings with respect to needs and resource availability. The paper aims to ilustrate the application of quality function to evaluate the overall performance of buildings and the steps to be taken. As an application, the calculation scheme presented was used to evaluate the overall performance of a residential building to be rehabilitated. Building quality assessment based on overall performance indicator is a means of comparing the various options for choosing the best. System performance evaluation based on the concept of merit is to integrate all the requirements and performance criteria formulated by specialists, the subjective indicators reflecting the level of user satisfaction, and can be applied both for separate buildings and urban ensembles.
Key Words:
total building performance; building assessment; perfor-mance; comfort
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