Assessments Criteria of Building Materials from Ecological Point of View
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 4 | 2011
Pages: 129-138
Abstract text:
Environmental and health issues nowadays represent attracting increasing attention in our society. Understanding the importance of the quality of their surroundings, people are beginning to pay more attention towards their consumption patterns and the related potential impacts on the environment and their health, with concerns for the wellbeing of the current as well as future generation. Every material used for construction, insulation or finishing has different properties as well as advantages and disadvantages in comparison to others. Thus, before selecting one or another material for any type of building – single family, multi-storey residential house or administration building – the performance of careful assessment and analyses is preferable.
Key Words:
green materials; assessments criteria; sustainable principles
Author(s) Information
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