Romania within the Context of Climatic Changes
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 4 | 2011
Pages: 119-128
Abstract text:
Under the circumstances of the menacing climatic changes upon both environment and social-economic framework, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has established its main objective “achieving stabilization of gas concentrations within climatic system”. Due to the fact that the main cause of the climatic changes derives from the exhausted gases resulting in the greenhouse effect, measures, targets and programs of reducing greenhouse effects gases will be established. A first step in this respect is drawing – up the Kyoto Protocol (1997), according to which Romania has embarked upon reducing the greenhouse effect emissions up to 8% as compared with the reference year 1989, in the first period of its engagement, namely 2008...2012. The present paper submits both an inventory of greenhouse effect emissions in Romania and establishing policies and measures of reducing these emissions within all sectors of human activities.
Key Words:
greenhouse effect emissions; climatic changes; global heating; policies to reduce such emissions
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