There is Possible to Build Low Rise Multi Storey Cold-Formed Steel Framed Structures in Romania?
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 4 | 2011
Pages: 97-108
Abstract text:
Previous studies (Dubina et al., 2010; Nagy, 2006) reported the results of experimental and numerical simulation programs carried out in research centre of “Politehnica” University of Timişoara on joints and full-scale pitched roof cold-formed steel portal frames of back-to-back lipped channel sections with bolted joints, in order to evaluate the joint performance and the structural stability performance of these structures. Further research have been started to study the possibility to extend the obtained results for low rise multi storey cold-formed steel framed structures. The study will focus on particular structural solutions and joint typologies, suitable for such a type of structures. The paper summarizes the state of the art on application of cold-formed steel structural solutions for low and medium rise buildings and the preliminary study performed by one of the authors, in order to find adequate structural solutions for different Romanian seismic regions, using cold-formed steel sections. Based on these results, the proposed research program will use finite element modeling to calibrate virtual models, to evaluate the structural performance of proposed bolted joints, suitable for multi storey cold formed steel framed structures.
Key Words:
low rise multi-storey structures; cold-formed sections; bolted joints; numerical simulations; joint typologies
Author(s) Information
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