Preliminary Studies Concerning the Evaluation of Road Network Robustness for Iaşi National Roads Department
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 4 | 2011
Pages: 43-52
Abstract text:
Structural robustness in road field is a new concept, very little addressed in specialized literature, both in Romania and abroad. Natural and weather phenomena that occur more frequently are more destructive than ever, endanger normal activities and can wreck road networks, causing significant damages (Grecu, 2005). These phenomena can be diverse: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami, landslides, storms, floods, droughts, fire or avalanches. Our country is also affected by natural disasters, the return to normality after such phenomena being very expensive. Communication networks are very important for the recovery process of the affected areas, the help for possible victims with food or medical supplies depending on the networks operation. The Romanian national road network faces the same type of problems (Snelder, 2010). A vulnerable road network makes vulnerable the area, the people, the institutions, the tourism and the economy. Thus, the main aspect this article refers to is maintaining the road functional. The major flaws of Iaşi national road department are the natural disasters which can occur in this area of the country, namely earthquakes, landslides and floods.
Key Words:
natural hazards; road structure; robustness; vulnerability
Author(s) Information
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