Judicial Regime of Constructions
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 4 | 2011
Pages: 17-22
Abstract text:
The return to the two forms of properties, public ownership and private estate, after 1989, imposed the development of normative acts to regulate them. Yet, some of these, even if just issued, have suffered several modifications, motivated by the appearance of new problems still not brought under regulation by the corresponding normative acts. The aim of this work is to analyse the judicial regime of the constructions, in terms of the normative acts in force. Other analysed problems are meant to outlight the new legal dispositions concerning the land development and city planning, as well as the authorization of construction works execution, these being normative acts which regulate/govern the judicial regime of constructions and lands to be built on. The adduction of these regulations is important for the understanding of the judicial freamework within which the ownership exercise is now practiced.
Key Words:
construction; judicial; contract; law
Author(s) Information
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