Design of Airport Rigid Runway Structures with Neural Networks
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 3 | 2011
Pages: 157-168
Abstract text:
Computing with neural networks ranges between engineering and artificial intelligence. It uses classical engineering mathematical techniques and heuristic methods specific for Artificial Intelligence. This paperwork illustrates the way of using neural networks for improving the computing method by increasing the accuracy in design the concrete slabs from airport infrastructure. The results obtained using the models developed with the method of finite element were used for creating neural networks (one for each type of landing gear), simulating the function H=f(P,K,t) to design the new cement concrete slabs. The use of neural networks for the interpolations of functions to dimension the slabs proved an increase of result accuracy compared to the reading of nomograms, previously carried out, as well as the possibility of computing the variable concrete slab thickness, other than the one considered for the nomograms.
Key Words:
neural networks; nomograms; runway structure design.
Author(s) Information
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