Experimental Studies on the Behaviour of Steel Column Base Connections
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 3 | 2011
Pages: 149-156
Abstract text:
The present design regulations require that the structural strength requirements should not prevail to the ductile behavior of structures in a design process. In case of steel columns bases, brittle failures (failure of holding-down bolts, concrete crushing in compressive zone) should be avoided. In this context, ductility or the rotational capacity should be determined mainly by the flexibility of baseplates. Experimental research studies may reveal specific local phenomena otherwise “invisible” (by numerical simulations, failure theories or other analysis methods). The main objective of this paper is to describe the overall structural behavior and evaluate the parameters involved in the connection design of the exposed rigid baseplate analysed in the laboratory test. The performed full-scale tests lead to failure modes validated by the maximum equivalent stress distributions numerically obtained.
Key Words:
base column joint; base plate; ductility.
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