Finite Element Analysis of Frictional Contacts
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 3 | 2011
Pages: 131-140
Abstract text:
Friction is a complex process, involving the simultaneous appearance of several phenomena such as wear, thermal, etc. Seismic protection of structures using frictional passive energy dissipaters is being lately used. Given that the coupled phenomenon can influence the behaviour over time of tribological assemblies, a thorough study of their effects is necessary in order to ensure a proper operation of frictional devices. In this respect, a method of analysis, commonly used today, is the finite element method. As with any approximate methods of calculus, this leads, in some cases, to partially correct results. This paper analyses the frictional heating phenomenon using the finite element method. Stress and the overall temperature distribution are presented for a particular case, as well as their dependence on the coefficient of friction and the force normally acting to the contact surface. The errors caused by this type of analysis are discussed also. ANSYS software was used for the performed coupled analysis.
Key Words:
frictional heating; finite element method.
Author(s) Information
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