Mechanical Properties of Mineral Matrices with Ecological Components. Tension Determination from Bending and Compressive Strength

Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 3 | 2011
Pages: 103-112
Abstract text:
The interest regarding the ecologically obtained materials and the advanced technology lead to the research of new types of additives or ingredients that can successfully replace Portland cements when creating concretes or mortars. With the view that concrete and micro-concrete some remain competitive compared to other building materials their main properties require improvements. The present study consists in determining the mechanical properties of some mixtures that have in their consistency an ecological binder, manufactured from recycled industrial waste called “Kerysten”. This gypsum based material was used mixed with Portland cement, sand, polypropylene fibers and water, to obtain a mineral matrix with superior workability, tensile and compression strengths higher than a regular concrete. In this paper the entire experimental procedure is described and the tests results play an important role on the behavior of this type of material.
Key Words:
microconcrete; mineral matrix; ecological concrete; ecolo-gical binder.

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