Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Columns Confined with Composite Membranes
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 3 | 2011
Pages: 33-46
Abstract text:
Composite materials made of fibres embedded in a polymeric resin, also known as fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP), have emerged as an alternative solution to traditional materials for strengthening and retrofitting structures. In attempt to increase strength and ductility of reinforced concrete (RC) load bearing elements through confining systems the FRP membranes have become a familiar solution. Extensive studies (experimental, finite element modelling and analytical modelling) were carried out on the analysis of confining effect in case of concentrically loaded RC columns. In all real framing systems, columns are not only axially loaded, they can be subjected to various loads and combination of loads. Currently, the study of RC columns confined with composite materials subjected to eccentric compression is relatively new and limited. FRP confinement systems are less effective under eccentric loading compared to concentric one, but this solution is still applied and it can be efficiently utilized. An extensive experimental program on testing the performance of eccentrically loaded RC columns externally strengthened with FRP membranes was carried out and results are presented in this paper.
Key Words:
RC columns; external strengthening; FRP wrapping; eccentrical compression; experimental investigation.
Author(s) Information
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