The Mechanism of Bitumen Adhesion to Aggregates. The Influence of Mineralogic Nature
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 2 | 2011
Pages: 175-182
Abstract text:
The main function of bitumen is that of adhesive. It is necessary to realize either the linking of aggregate particles or the link between particles and surface. Although the occurrence of the premature break attributed to adhesives is relatively rare; the breaks can imply substantial expenses when they occur. The necessity of insuring a link between aggregate and bitumen is very important. The mineralogic nature of aggregate is, also, very important because the bitumen „prefers” basic aggregates. However, in practice, the most used aggregates for hot (or cold) coating are acid. There is a continuous problem for specialists to find the optimal methods in increasing the percentage of bitumen capacity of coverage.
Key Words:
bitumen; aggregates; adhesiveness; aggregate.
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