Wind Farms, Solution for the Economization of the Terrains in Fălciu Hills (Pădureni Area)
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 2 | 2011
Pages: 105-122
Abstract text:
Present regional politics regarding the superior economization of natural resources imply the aggregation of interdisciplinary studies and analyses, in which specialists would depart from geo-ecosystemic concepts. In this context enters and the research regarding the terrain in the north of Fălciu Hills (Pădureni area), with the purpose of locations limits for the emplacement of wind turbines. The geological and geomorphologic surveys conducted in the area, accompanied by data obtained from geological drills, allowed the creation of cartographic materials on which were marked the limits of the areas favourable as regards natural conditions (geological, geomorphologic and climatic) for the emplacement of wind farms. In a second stage, the separated areas were analysed as regards land use and their degree of de-/economization by establishing wind farms.
Key Words:
Chersonian-Meotian; lithology; geomorphology; slope pro-cesses; land use.
Author(s) Information
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