Non-linear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frames with ATENA 3-D Program
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 2 | 2011
Pages: 93-104
Abstract text:
Structural vulnerability evaluation is essential for assessing building behaviour in case of an earthquake. Among the basic design concepts is weak beam-strong column, but nevertheless the earthquakes effects lead to different failure mechanisms. This paper investigates constructive solutions to direct plastic hinges from columns to beams, in order to prevent the collapse of the structure. The virtual–experimental simulation of reinforced concrete elements subjected to horizontal loads is discussed. In this study a 3-D ground floor frame structure was considered in order to determine: development of cracks in the concrete, the influence of stresses in the reinforcement, the plastic hinge formation. Different comparisons were performed, changing the geometry of the slab and the reinforcement. The analysis was conducted in ATENA, a computer program using stress analysis with finite elements.
Key Words:
pushover analysis; plastic hinge; numerical simulations.
Author(s) Information
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