Life Cycle Assessment Study for New and Recycled Asphalt Pavements
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 2 | 2011
Pages: 81-92
Abstract text:
The paper is orientated towards the development of an unique frame of sustainable evaluation. It aims at pointing out the environmental impact of asphalt mixtures in a life cycle assessment (LCA) perspective and the importance of computer software as technology that facilitates this type of research. The analysis is based on the comparison between recycled versus traditional asphalt mixtures from the point of view of their ecological impact, expressed in kg CO2e emissions/tonne of mixture. The technology used for evaluation is TRL (Transport Research Laboratory) software, asPECT (asphalt Pavement Embodied Carbon Tool) which analyses in a „cradle to site” perspective the asphalt mixtures following the LCA methodology procedures. Application of LCA methodology in roads engineering is useful for understanding the effects of highway construction processes on the environment. This highlights the benefits of recyclability process and advantages of their utilization. The present analysis results are previsionally and the research is limited due to the lack of real data and use of fictive information. The paper’s originality consists in application of the life cycle impact assessment methodology, use of the affiliated computer software, original information for analysis and unique comparison results.
Key Words:
life cycle assessment; asphalt mixture composition; environ-mental impact; asPECT software.
Author(s) Information
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