The Design of the Airport Rigid Pavement Structure
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 2 | 2011
Pages: 51-58
Abstract text:
Alongside airplane and airport pavement structure materials evolution, modification and development of designing methods are needed. This paper presents the design scheme and parameters which occur in the designing process, as well as possible completions of the romanian NP 034-99 method. One completion is the enlargement of the values range of both the E dynamic elasticity modulus, and the Poisson’s ? coefficient. The importance of these design parameters is highlighted by the results of the computer simulation with the help of ANSYS11 calculation software for a classical rigid airport pavement structure. The significant difference of tensile values for different values of the parameters confirms the need to increase the precision of the design diagrams. One of the necessary completion is the introduction in the designing method of loads from the complex landing gear airplanes, such as Airbus-A380 or Boeing-B777 type.
Key Words:
design parameters; design sheme; finite element; design method; landing gear.
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