Influence of Soil Conditions in Computing the Seismic Force in Miscellaneous Design Codes
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 1 | 2011
Pages: 139-148
Abstract text:
In civil engineering the knowledge and control of the seismic action is very important in order to prevent the effects that may occur during an earthquake. The effects of the seismic action may be determined from the linear–elastic behavior of the building. One of the most well-known methods for seismic analysis of structures is the equivalent lateral force procedure associated with the fundamental mode of vibration. The most important aspect of this procedure is to determine the precise seismic shear base. For the seismic force evaluation the influence of the local soil conditions is taken into account through several coefficients that depend on the seismic zonation of the country, the site class, the natural period of vibration and the shear-wave velocity. The paper highlights different procedures to consider the influence of soil conditions in the seismic analysis of structures in miscellaneous design codes. Therefore, different types of site classifications depending on the seismic zonation, periods of vibration and site coefficients are presented. Also, the relations used to compute the seismic shear force included in the studied design codes are specified. In order to be able to perform comparisons between design codes provisions, the following norms are taken into account: the International Building Code from USA, the Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings from Chile, the Building Standard Law of Japan, the Romanian seismic design code and the European design codes.
Key Words:
soil conditions; seismic shear force; seismic zonation.
Author(s) Information
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