Flexural Design Analysis According to STAS 10107/0-90 versus en 1992-1-1/2004–Eurocode2
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 1 | 2011
Pages: 113-124
Abstract text:
Several years after the end of World War II, projects of reconstruction started in all Europe’s countries for the great cities destroyed by the war. Before the war, design standards concerning with reinforced concrete structures existed in the developed countries. After the end of war, national standard started also to be published in countries less developed. The first Romanian code provided for designing of reinforced/prestressed structural members was STAS 1546-50. For design, the load factor method was provided. After a decade, a design standard, P8-62, for reinforced/prestressed structural members based on limit state method, was published. Subsequently, an improved version, based also on limit state method, entitled STAS 10107/0-76, replaced it. New versions of the standard 10107/0 were published in 1986 and 1990. All these versions have included the reinforced/prestressed concrete knowledge of the age. The last one is the most sophisticated edition providing aseismic prescriptions for RC structural elements. In the next decades the design of the civil structures in Romania will be based on the Eurocodes. For reinforced/prestressed concrete structures the Eurocode2 will became of paramount importance to the design of the structural members. Comparative analysis based on flexure design relations, provided by the codes for singly reinforced and doubly reinforced range, are figured. Also, additional amount of reinforcement in the flexure design based on STAS 10107/-90 about EC2 are underlined.
Key Words:
reinforced concrete; structural members; flexure design; Euro-code2.
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