Modern Wooden Structures, Between Archetype and Inovation
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 1 | 2011
Pages: 105-112
Abstract text:
An overview on the continuous development of wooden structures from historical models to contemporary types is presented. Although it doesn’t detail the archetypical forms of wood architecture, that would have been an extremely extended endeavour; the paper nominates the most important types of modern wood structures, and creates counterpoints between some relevant contemporary architecture models and traditional buildings. The paper also intends to make a case concerning the significant modern innovations in wood technology and how they relate to the evolution of structural systems over a long period of time. In the conclusions, after a review of the most significant innovative aspects of wood as a structural material, the paper analyses the benefits and the losses of the evaluative process.
Key Words:
wood; structure; timber frame; archetype; traditional archi-tecture; contemporary structure.
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