The Influence of Solid Dry Friction Damping at Columns with Compound Sections
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 1 | 2011
Pages: 47-54
Abstract text:
An efficient way of dissipating the seismic energy is through solid dry friction. Friction dampers are very durable and have a very stable behaviour. Their incorporation in structures is usually made by using bracings provided with such devices. This is also a disadvantage because the space between some of the columns is blocked by the bracings. To avoid this phenomenon, “energy dissipative” columns are proposed. The intention is to absorb the seismic energy within the columns themselves. The aims of this paper are to evaluate how the dimensions of the contact elements influence the energy dissipation capacity and also to investigate the influence of the contact surface’s nature on the behaviour of the “energy dissipative” columns.
Key Words:
friction damper; energy dissipative columns; friction coeffi-cient; hysteresis loop; compound section.
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