Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slit Walls with ANSYS (I)
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 1 | 2011
Pages: 31-46
Abstract text:
Structural reinforced concrete walls represents a system that provides lateral resistance, high stiffness and strength to a building. Because the energy dissipation is made only by the base of the structural walls, they do not exhibit ductile and redundant behavior. The structural reinforced concrete wall energy dissipator, named and structural slit wall with shear connections, remove some of the problems encountered with ordinary structural walls. Yielding of shear connections in this wall may cause increase in energy dissipation, forming a structural damper that is based on structural passive control. The overall ductility of the structure increases, considering the energy dissipation solution, resulting a supplementary safety for the building. The aim of these solutions is to create an ideal structure for tall multi-storey buildings, that has a rigid behavior at low seismic action and turns into a ductile one in case of a high intensity earthquake action. In this paper, the static nonlinear analysis on energy dissipator wall with shear connectors is performed and the influence of the elasto-plastic behavior of the shear connections is evaluated. This type of structural wall is compared to an ordinary solid wall. The proposed solutions for increasing ductility are viable and easily to use in constructions practice. For the analysis of the proposed structural wall was used the finite element method; in this way is simulated accurate and realistic the behaviour of the reinforced concrete walls.
Key Words:
reinforced concrete slit walls; ductility; finite element method; nonlinear behaviour; lateral strength; pushover analysis.
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