General Aspects Concerning the Need for Research, Assimilation and Implementation of Long Lasting Flexible Road Pavements in Romania
Tomme: LVII (LXI) Fascicle: 1 | 2011
Pages: 9-18
Abstract text:
The actual flexible pavements designed according to the exis-ting norms are leading usually to overdesigned structures because of the lower values for the elastic modulus of the asphalt materials, specified in the existing norms. After a short introduction, presenting the general principles of flexible pavements design, the concepts of long lasting flexible pavements is considered in detail. Then a new research program, involving Accelerating Loading Test (ALT), undertaken in parallel with the experiments development on the road network, is proposed to the attention of the road policy decisions factors in this country. This research project, supported by specific design assumptions and calculations, takes into considerations the specific soil, climatic and traffic conditions of the road network in Romania. Finally the main conclusions and recommendations for assimilation and implementation of the long lasting flexible pavements in Romania are presented.
Key Words:
Long Lasting Flexible Pavements (LLFP); Accelerating Loading Test (ALT); structural design; design methods; design traffic.
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