Ability of Mineral Presented in the Soil
Tomme: LVI (LX) Fascicle: 4 | 2010
Pages: 121-132
Abstract text:
The important and essential characteristics of earth structure are the transmission of load to the earth and maintaining its allowable deformation, settlement, tensile crack and providing acceptable stability, in this regard characteristics of 16 mixed soil types were investigated and results of this analytical interpretation of mixed soil are provided feasible data which could be used in construction of safe soil structure and help to solve geotechnical problems. In the same time obtained results to understand that soil mineralogy could increases the soil strength and reduction of soil structure failure. It is observed lack of some important minerals which affect the whole soil structure characteristics, and it is possible the development of a soil with new characteristics if requirement minerals added.
Key Words:
mixed soil strength; safe soil structure; mineralogy; morphology; new soil characteristics.
Author(s) Information
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