Environmental Impact of Water from Wastewater Treatment Plants
Tomme: LVI (LX) Fascicle: 4 | 2010
Pages: 9-20
Abstract text:
The results of a study of the impact of wastewater within water treatment plants on the environment are presented. Therefore, the quality of wastewater is analysed from one of the Romanian municipalities. The water samples were collected in two campaigns at 2, 4, 8 or 12 hours interval. All samples were analysed to obtain main physical-chemical parameters and the obtained results are compared with the quality parameters provided in the Regulations for wastewater discharge in the sewers of urban areas. The maximum accepted values for various chemicals are exceeded in the study and contaminants are introduced into the environment that causes instability and disorder to the ecosystem. The impact of wastewater on air quality is also analysed and the sources of air pollution are identified: biochemical processes and vaporization from wastewater treatment plants. The nature and intensity of the sewage attack on the environment are mainly determined by the chemical agents resulted from the technological processes carried out, especially, within industry.
Key Words:
aggressive water; environmental quality; chemical characterization; pollution.
Author(s) Information
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