Analysis and Choice of Optimal Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning System for a Teaching Unit
Tomme: LIII (LVII) Fascicle: 3-4 | 2007
Pages: 105-116
Abstract text:
Under the conditions of present society in which providing an optimum interior comfort is confronted with the necessity of the energy consumption reduction, solving this problem depends on the factors which contribute to the achievements of this comfort. Modern buildings -- implicitly teaching unit -- may be equipped with installations which have low energy consumption, respective a heating, cooling and ventilating integrated system with heat pumps system which can assure all the required comfort conditions. This paper underlines the necessity to use the heat pump in heating system for a teaching unit, energetic and economic guides and the possibility to increase them when using cooling and heating mixed. The solution of heat pumps for heating of the teaching unit and the energetic and economic advantages of the system is made in study.
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